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New mental treatment improves anxiety and depression in secondary education teachers

December 7, 2009

Science Daily/University of Granada

Research in Spain supports the effectiveness of mindfulness, an emotional self-regulating tool that consists in focusing on what we are doing, thinking about or feeling at every moment. This psychological technique, more and more popular in the U.S., contributed to fight against psychological diseases such as anxiety, depression, concern or complaints about health, and improves emotional regulation.


Besides, as a consequence of the mental training, both the girls with chronic concern and the teachers improved their subjective rates of anxiety, depression, concern, complaints about health and emotional regulation, together with certain con psycho-physiological such as, for example, cardiac, muscular and respiratory variables. Delgado Pastor says that, in the light of the results obtained, they have proved the "effectiveness of training mindfulness abilities and human values in the teaching sector as an emotional self-regulating tool, stress prevention for teachers and students, as well as to facilitate the teaching-learning process."
