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Should You Start A Keto Diet? 

Guest Post by John Mullen

 *Note: AV Stim is not endorsing any products or services through guest posts, thanks.

With everyone wanting a new and healthy lifestyle, people are wondering if the Keto diet is worth investing in. While the doctors who created Keto have said that they only recommend it for extreme situations concerning health, new studies are being done to determine if it's safe. So far, they have concluded more investigation is needed. However, with a doctor and coach to guide you, many people have been able to succeed. 

What Keto Is About

The Keto diet is meant to help your body in a new way. When wondering if you should start a Keto Diet, you will need to understand what it will do to you. A Keto diet is low carb, moderate protein, and tons of fat. The thought process behind this is that it is believed that you will be able to burn fat more effectively and offer your body additional benefits to utilize. Many doctors have said that this isn't a long-term solution, though others have said that it could be. 

The hope is that by adopting a higher fat content diet, your body will be using it as an alternative way to have fuel. When you eat fewer carbs or fewer calories, your liver is believed to produce what is known as ketones. Those ketones are then supposed to be a fuel source for your body to function more healthily. 

Who Should Never Attempt Keto

 Because of how Keto burns fat and how it affects glucose, if you have diabetes or take medication for this disease, you should never attempt this diet because it can put you into a state of life-threatening ketoacidosis. High blood pressure is another condition that makes this diet a no-go. The same is true if you take medication for it, are pregnant, or breastfeeding, you should never attempt this diet either as it can cause harm to you and your child. 

A Coach Can Help

Trusting a coach to help you through this journey will help you in the short and long term. A coach will guide you and allow you to make the best decisions for your body and mind while helping ensure that you stay in good health as long as possible. They will also ensure that you stop if your body can't take this diet. Exercise and watching your food will be another area that they can help. If you find this diet works for you, you may end up with a slimmer form.