Enhance Learning Ability

Anxiety is one of the chief causes of reduced performance. Common anxiety that sometimes occurs, for example, the night before a big test, prior to giving an oral report, or when having to perform a physical activity in front of a group can cause even the well-prepared to perform below their capabilities.

The most common forms of anxiety and agitation are associated with a combination of fast, high intensity beta waves. Using MindSpa to help reduce the intensity of these waves will create calmness and clearer thought processes. Regular use over time will train the mind to remain calm in those common day-to-day situations that tend to generate feelings of ills anxiety or agitation. A calm disposition can help in confidence building which translates to better academic performance.

Observable Results

Studies with light and sound stimulation have resulted in the following

• Deep relaxation leading to deeper sleep

• Improved focus and attention

• Ability to attend to task

• Information processing speed

• Mood elevation

• Enhanced visual-motor coordination

• Improved visual short-term memory

• Enhanced long-term memory

Relaxation and Stimulation Programs for overall academic improvement

We offer two distinct sessions types with MindSpa. The majority begins in the beta frequency range, or the normal, thinking brainwave state and slowly moves into the lower alpha, theta and delta frequencies. (Please refer to our Brainwave States section) These sessions will work very well for improving learning skills with the majority of users. The second group of sessions uses higher beta frequencies and can assist with attention, concentration and focus issues.

In addition to the sessions already included with MindSpa, we offer a special set of professional programs to help enhance the learning process. Studies have found that increasing the stimulus in the brain results in improved memory, focus, and concentration, problem solving and increased processing abilities. Please refer to our section on Focus and Attention.

MindSpa for Calmness and Relaxation

The challenge working with older children and teens is that they can become disengaged from an activity fairly quickly when their expectations are unrealistically short. Work together to develop realistic goals with a defined minimum four to six weeks to allow adequate time to experience positive changes in academic performance.

Left/Right Balance


Our mental functioning is divided between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere is primarily the place where critical thinking takes place. The right hemisphere is primarily the creative, problem-solving side.

What MindSpa helps to do is to bring the left and right hemispheres into balance resulting in greater clarity of thought processes. In this state of balance,

also known as bilateral balance or synchrony, memory, reasoning and critical thinking skills are enhanced.

There exists a balance point where and understanding, absorption and retention of learned material is optimized. In this balance state the mind naturally enters into a calm, high-performance state also referred to as the accelerated learning state.

We suggest using MindSpa initially at least two or three times per week for four to six weeks to improve learning skills. Regular use will have a positive and long lasting effect with noted improvements in concentration and alertness. These sessions are best used in between or immediately after studies or homework.