Using MindSpa to Gain Maximum Benefit

Introducing MindSpa: Your Path to Tranquility
MindSpa offers a gentle and transformative experience that soothes and calms the mind. Drawing on the scientific principles of brainwave entrainment, our innovative approach harnesses a safe and natural process that has been researched since the 1930s. It's akin to gazing into a serene and flickering flame, evoking feelings of tranquility.

Throughout history, diverse cultures recognized the profound impact of rhythmic drumbeats and pulsating fire on attaining deep meditative states. MindSpa encapsulates this ancient wisdom, imparting a similar effect. Just like meditation, our program's efficacy grows with consistent use, particularly during the initial four to six weeks.

Sleep and stress issues

Medication might temporarily alleviate sleep and stress issues, but it fails to address the root causes. In many cases, these issues, especially when chronic, can be resolved without medication. Prolonged use of sleep medication can disrupt the quality of deep-wave sleep. To improve your quality of life, start training your mind to find serenity.

Using our program regularly for at least 4-6 weeks allows you to objectively measure its cumulative impact. Even a short session done 3-4 times per week can be beneficial. For the first two to four weeks, we recommend trying to use it daily. This approach is flexible, so it's okay to skip a day or two when you're busy. Just six minutes can bring benefits, but ideally, a 22-30 minute session each morning or mid/late-afternoon will yield the best long-term results.

Our program offers 18 pre-programmed sessions with frequencies ranging from beta to delta. Start with the alpha sessions and progress at your own pace. It's an empowering system that allows you to judge and gravitate naturally towards the sessions that work best for you.

MindSpa’s effect is cumulative, increasing in benefit with regular use, particularly over the first 4-6 weeks of use.

Which session should you use to attain a specific goal?

What makes MindSpa both easy to use and effective is that there is not necessarily a right or wrong session choice as each individual is unique. 

For obtaining maximum benefit, review the manual prior to use (manuals found here). Just use MindSpa in a quiet location where you will remain undisturbed for the entire session. It is best to be situated in a comfortable chair or lying down.

Care is suggested when using at night as the white or blue led light can affect your circadian rhythms, your internal body clock. – Our green or red led glasses are excellent for evening use.

For early evening or late at night, we suggest using our green led glasses. Optionally, use the sound alone.

We have many testimonials from folks who say they have received immediate benefit, generally we suggest that you please be patient with yourself and give MindSpa time to provide its long-lasting results.

It can take a few weeks to change long-term stress or sleep disruption patterns. MindSpa works as we promise but think of it as part of making minor changes to your lifestyle that will result in an overall positive effect.

Doing a session

The full-spectrum white and blue combination led glasses are designed for everyday use. We suggest white led use in most cases. 

  • Use the system with eyes closed.

  • Take a few slow, deep breaths into your diaphragm instead of taking high, shallow breaths in the upper part of your lungs before and as you begin your session.

  • Pay attention to your various muscle groups and practice letting go of physical stress.

  • Set the sound and lights to a level that is comfortable for you. The brighter you can comfortably set the lights, the better. If it causes you to blink while your eyes are closed, reduce the light level.

If you find yourself feeling like you are falling asleep during the session, this is okay. You are still getting benefit. If you come out of your “sleep” at the end of the session, this suggests you were in a deeply relaxed hypnotic/meditative state.

You may have an initial period of feeling a little tired immediately after a session. This feeling will quickly pass. Within a few minutes to an hour you should notice feeling refreshed with more energy and enthusiasm. Going into a deep slumber is due to sleep deficit.

These are the basics... You may hit a plateau during or after the first few weeks or months of use. It is okay. You will pass through these moments. Cumulatively, you are on the road to progress.

While it may be subtle at first, with time you will discover you are developing a more calm outlook and attitude toward life’s daily events.

Ukyo-san, a famous, well-respected blogger in Japan promotes MindSpa's many benefits. This is a brief 90 second introduction to her instructional DVD, 
最強の自己実現ツール脳波調整マシンMind Spa世界1の販売店が、輸入元会社・製造本社の協力のもとに創り上げた、完全攻略DVD!経営者たちのマシンの体験談を収録。マシンの使い方の完全解説・本社社長ラリーからのメッセージ、自己実現の誘導瞑想を収録。

To help with sleep issues look at slight adjustments to lifestyle

– Reduce caffeine intake particularly in the latter part of the day. Cease intake after 2-3PM.

– Have supper earlier in the evening

– Avoid snacks before bed

– Go to bed at the same time every night. — critical to long-term sleep hygiene

– Create a sleep sanctuary. Keep it on the cool side and remove distractions 

– Go light on alcohol as this can be a major source of sleep disruption

– Avoid bright light sources before bedtime, including electronics and common room lights

– Include some movement and regular exercise to your day of moderate activity ideally.

There are numerous health benefits associated with regular physical activity. It is best if you can get a minimum of 45 minutes of some form of exercise each day. But avoid exercise starting about three hours before bedtime. If your busy lifestyle simply does not allow for that, or other issues come into play, even adding a walk around the block, parking a little further away from your destination, or walking up the stairs can be highly beneficial.

Additional Tips for MindSpa Use

Tip 1: Establish a routine to use MindSpa every day, such as right as you wake up in the morning or mid-afternoon.

Tip 2: Take MindSpa with you to work, school or while traveling and keep it accessible. If time is short, even a few minutes of use can be beneficial.

Tip 3: Use a cue such as an alarm on your phone to remind you to use MindSpa at that time every day until you establish a regular pattern.

Tip 4: If plan to use it for 20-30 minutes in the mornings before heading to work, set a nightly alarm reminding you to go to bed at an appropriate time to wake up with ample time for use.

Tip 5: If you use a calendar, put a check mark next to days you use MindSpa to measure your progress and to keep yourself honest about how much you have used it.

Tip 6: Keep MindSpa in plain view of at home or work, such as on your nightstand or desk. It can be easily forgotten when placed in a drawer. Keeping it where you see it increases its accessibility, which in turn will increase use.

Using MindSpa’s relaxation programs can significantly help to reduce certain undesirable high amplitude activity in just a few weeks. Many report experiencing immediate effectiveness. When you encounter common stress producing situations you will be better able to maintain an inner calmness with enhanced control of your life. Conversely, when you feel like you need a quick pick up, or when you just do not feel as mentally sharp as you would like to feel, MindSpa can help here as well.

Experience MindSpa for yourself risk free!

We stand 100% behind our products!
Try MindSpa for a full 90 days free of obligation!

We promise you will be more relaxed and will experience better sleep or your money back!

$349.95 + Free US Priority Mail Shipping


We invite you to try MindSpa on a risk free 90 day trial basis.

We guarantee a noticeable improvement in sleep quality!

If you find MindSpa is not everything we say it is, you are welcome to return it for a Full Refund of the purchase price. Your only investment is our modest shipping charge.

People love their MindSpa! Less than 1/4 of 1% are ever returned.

We promise you it is going to be one of the best investments you will ever make toward a better quality of life.