Help with Attention and Focus Issues

Published university studies have shown those with diagnosed attention and focus issues, often described as attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), tend to have dominant brainwave patterns that are either too slow (theta brainwaves) or too fast (high beta brainwaves).

To counter this, certain types of stimulants are prescribed to help brainwave function enter the waking beta brainwave state and normalize function. These pharmacological interventions using stimulants help to alleviate the symptoms leave the underlying issues unresolved.

Light is a very powerful modality for promoting health and well-being when applied correctly. Understanding light and its effect on physiology can be invaluable. In this sense, using MindSpa can be of tremendous value for those with attention and focus issues using specific frequencies of light to help bring the mind into balance with regular use.

While MindSpa is not suggested as a replacement for physician-directed programs, it can be helpful long-term through the brainwave entrainment process – a safe, non-invasive approach, which may very well result in less need for pharmacology. *Consult with your medical professional before making any changes to medication.

How MindSpa Works

The mind naturally tunes itself to rhythmic outside stimulation. Giving you real life, daily examples most of us have experienced think about the natural calming effect when gazing into a softly crackling fire, or staring at a gently flickering candle.

Sound has a very similar effect upon the body and mind. We have all experienced how certain musical compositions can emotionally move us. To see how the mind is affected by these stimuli, close your eyes and imagine for a moment the repetitive sound of ocean waves gently lapping against a warm sandy beach. It is such a powerful process that just imagining this can generate an instant relaxation effect. Our genetic code is wired to respond to these outside stimuli.

In the 1920’s, leading scientists of the time discovered that the brain responds to certain strobe light patterns. When exposed to specific frequencies of light and sound, a natural process known as Frequency Following Response occurs where the brain entrains to the introduced frequencies.

Brainwave States


It helps to understand that the brain operates on five primary but distinct brainwave patterns and when these fall out of balance, issues such as chronic stress, anxiety and ADD/ADHD can occur. Please visit our Brainwave Stimulation area to learn more.

Gamma frequencies are measured from approximately 30 to 100+ Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second. Gamma is associated with higher cognitive

activity and related to consciousness, attention, learning and memory. Though scientists have studied gamma oscillations for over five decades, it is still very much an area of active research with much to still be learned.

Beta frequencies: 13 to 40 Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second. Low or moderate amplitude beta corresponds to our normal waking state of alertness where the vast majority of routine thinking and physical functioning occur.

High amplitude, fast beta generally reflects a state of heightened anxiety or stress, and feelings of agitation and discomfort due to mental over-activity. This is associated with what is commonly known as the fight or flight state.

Alpha frequencies: 8 to 13 Hz. Alpha is the relaxed yet focused state associated with external attention. Lower alpha wave activity is more closely associated with either being in the “zone” for sports, or with deeply relaxing, meditative states.

Alpha waves are utilized for mental rejuvenation, accelerated learning, the creative process and peak performance in all areas of life including business, sports and the arts.

Theta frequencies: 4 to 8 Hz.Theta represents the deeply relaxed state of free flowing inward focus. Theta is an elusive state we naturally enter for a few moments each day just before falling asleep and waking when vivid internal imagery is produced without conscious effort. It is also the deep, advanced meditation state and the seat of the creative process. Many children and adults diagnosed with various attention and focus issues are found to have an over-abundance of theta activity.

Delta frequencies: 0.5 to 4 Hz.This state is where the majority of physical and deep mental regeneration takes place. This is the dreamless, deep sleep state. The delta state is entered through the natural sleep cycle.

Our regular sessions are designed primarily for helping reach relaxed or stimulated states. However, our Professional sessions use a far wider range of frequencies acting like a stretching exercise for the mind, resulting in better mental balance. It is theorized, and subsequently demonstrated in research as an effective method for the improvement of the most common focus and attention issues in children and adults as it appears to act as a stabilizing mechanism.

Studies demonstrate use of these light and sound programs can, for the majority of users, result in long-term improvement at home and at school. In addition, it is demonstrated even without continued use, the improvements remain over time. There is even several published research papers suggesting long-term improvement in IQ performance.

Our Professional Libraries were developed clinically over two more than two decades while working with learning disabled children and adults, including those medically diagnosed with attention and focus issues.

How to Gain Maximum Benefit

To assist with focus and attention, use Enhanced Program Library Sessions 11 and 12 on an alternate basis every three days. Continue use in this manner for minimum four to six weeks and note any improvement. Use of the programs beyond four to six weeks may continue to offer improvement. These programs can be beneficial for most individuals regardless of developmental level.

When using these programs, we recommend keeping the lights as bright as is comfortable. Session 11 starts with low beta frequencies and progresses to high beta. Session 12 starts at high beta frequency and progresses to the beta frequency range. Click here to download the Enhanced Program Library manual.

In between use of the stimulation sessions you may use any of the relaxation sessions once or twice a day, generally. However, we do not recommend using the stimulation sessions more often than once every few days as the mind needs time to assimilate theses higher frequency sessions. An analogy is doing a strenuous workout. You need to allow time between workouts for the muscles to rest.

In addition, we also offer our professional Learning Library. These programs are specifically designed to help improve the learning process. Studies have found that increasing the stimulus in the brain results in improved memory, focus, and concentration, problem solving and increased processing abilities.

As brainwave activity is normalized and re-regulated, sleep disturbances decrease assisting in better memory retention. Increases in brain stimulation keep blood vessels healthier and improve all cognitive (brain) function. Learning is greatly enhanced. These programs may also be used by adults with focus and attention issues. Click here to view the Learning Library manual.

Open Eye Use

For children and adults who find it difficult to sit still while using MindSpa, we have designed the glasses so they can also be used with eyes open and conducting activities such as reading or computer use. Please go to our Support section and download our Open Eye User Manual. For those with sensitivity to the lights we also offer our Pro-8 glasses.

Frequently, when a child exhibits attention and focus issues, one or both of the parents have similar issues sometimes referred to as “Adult ADD.” MindSpa can be helpful to the whole family. Within the first four to six weeks of use you should experience noticeable improvement. We give you a full 90 days to try MindSpa so you have everything to gain.


Disclaimer: information obtained from our website is not intended as a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you or your children have an issue, you should always consult with a qualified healthcare provider.